Cultivating Connection Counseling

Therapy that supports your journey toward wholeness.

Anna Tolf
MA, LMHCA, CSAT Candidate

Welcome, I'm so glad you are here.

Are there parts of life that are coming apart? Making a decision to seek help can be terrifying. However, this step toward courage could be the very best decision you can make for yourself. Connection can be hard to find walking through loss, anxiety/depression, an affair, sexual addiction, or abuse. Your important relationships may also feel disconnected. Upon establishing a trusting therapeutic relationship, I work with individuals, couples and groups as they find connection again.

Every Human has a true authentic self. Trauma is the disconnection from it and healing is the reconnection to it.

-Gabor Mate

connection after sexual abuse

Connection after sexual and emotional betrayal

Betrayed Partner

Have you discovered your partner’s secret sexual life? Betrayal trauma thrusts you into a world you never knew existed. Everything you believed about your reality is now in question. The fragmentation is so pervasive it feels as though you may never find all the pieces of yourself again. As an IITAP Certified Partner Trauma Therapist Candidate, I will work with you to move toward resilience and re-connecting with your sense of self.

Are you struggling with problematic sexual behavior? You may feel overwhelmed and desperate to find relief from an overwhelming sense of shame and guilt. Whether you are in the beginning stages of an emotional affair or struggling with compulsive sexual addiction, you may be wondering how you could find yourself in this place. Together, we will address the underlying cause and create the needed support in order for you to heal and find hope.

Connection to secure relationships

Relationship Repair & Enrichment

Are you hoping to find a deeper sense of connection and intimacy with your partner? Or, perhaps your relationship is barely holding on in the aftermath of betrayal trauma? Regardless of where you find yourself on the relational health spectrum, collaboratively we will work to bring healing to the broken parts of your story. If part of that story includes infidelity, I can work with you on a therapeutically supported amends process providing a way forward for both partners.

Connection through overwhelming feelings

Anxiety and depression

Are you at a place in your life where you feel stuck in overwhelming feelings? Anxiety and depression are rooted in unprocessed feelings. As a team, we will work together to connect you with the past felt experiences that are impacting your sense of well-being in the present. As you access these experiences, you will feel empowered to make changes to improve your current well-being.

Life is inevitably filled with change. There are some changes that can bring with them an overwhelming sense of loss. Whether you are grieving a loved one, walking through a divorce, or entering into a season of empty nesting, it all can feel like too much. In our work together, we will create space to process the emerging feelings and explore what life could look like resulting in a grounded sense of hope and peace.


Experience healing, growth and change.

Empowering Relationships and Healing Hearts

Connection after trauma and abuse

sad partner

Sexual abuse

Have you experienced the aftermath of sexual abuse, assault or violence? The perpetrator may have been a stranger, a partner or perhaps they were in a trusted position of authority in your life. Sexual trauma creates an internal wound that uniquely binds to your heart. Whether you are experiencing symptoms from past harm or it was a recent event, I invite you on a journey to unbind your wounds and move toward freedom at a pace that feels right for you.

abuse spiritual

Spiritual abuse & Religious trauma

Are you experiencing a sense of confusion, sadness or anxiety connected to a religious group? Spiritual abuse can cause profound, lifelong wounds while, at the same time, you may be struggling to find language for what happened. You also may have experienced institutional betrayal through the disbelief, blame and silencing of the institution you trusted. Together, we will work to create space for reconnection and healing.